This is the page where you can find out how communityUK works. Click the video tab to see how an event works, and then give us some feedback by completing this quick 4 question survey.

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The best way to take part is to register. You will then get an email from [email protected] or [email protected] showing you how and when to join the event. |
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Residents can ask questions in the box below the video. Or make a video question at least 30 minutes before the event. |
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You don't have to register. You can watch the event on our viewing-only page. If you find it difficult to register or ask a question, you can call our event freephone on 0800 511 8225 immediately before or during the event. |
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You can watch the event on any device - from your mobile, PC, or internet-enabled TV. If you want to ask questions from another device, you will find a link to the second device page in the emails we send you. |
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We use the world's leading professional video hosting supplier, Vimeo, to host our live events. You need an up-to-date browser to watch live video, like Chrome, Safari, Edge, Opera or Firefox. However, if you are still using Internet Explorer, you should know that it may not work, and that Microsoft retired it as their browser, and stopped updating it, back in 2015. Check here to see if your browser is up to date. |
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You need a normal broadband connection to watch video. You may experience problems if others in your home or shared network are downloading large files, or if your router is not configured correctly. |
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All our events are recorded and placed online a few days after the event. So if you miss the event, you'll still be able to catch up and see what happened. We 'chapter' the videos - so you can see all the questions easily and can jump quickly to any section you wish. |
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We've found that people like the communityUK experience, because they can watch and participate in the event in the comfort of their own home, or even take part when they're at their office, on the train, or even on holiday. |
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If you, or a neighbour, is finding it difficult to watch or take part, we do offer to send hard copies of any presentation to them. They should call our project hotline on 0800 955 1042 if they need help. |
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The communityUK platform also offers a great experience to share your view. You should take part in the polls and surveys that this site offers, to ensure the developer hears your view before submitting a planning application to the council. |
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The platform offers a wealth of information about the scheme. With most projects, we offer an Explore page, to explore the proposals, and a FAQ page - to answer some of your questions. |
We hope you find the communityUK experience positive. Give us some feedback by completing this quick 4 question survey.